Subarcsecond imaging of a solar active region filament with ALMA and IRIS
by da Silva Santos et al.*


Filaments (or prominences) are “clouds” of cool (<104 K) material suspended in the solar corona by up to tens of megameters above the photosphere, and they can be broadly divided into quiescent filaments and active region (AR) filaments. Although both of these structures have been observed for a long time, particularly in recent years by NASA’s IRIS telescope, there are open questions on the magnetic topology of filaments and the […]

Density Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Outer Heliospheric Radio Sources at High Latitudes and in the Ecliptic Plane
by S. Tasnim et al.*


We investigate angular broadening of radio wave scattering by density irregularities in the outer heliosphere and the very local interstellar medium (VLISM), incorporating an inner scale, latitudinal, and radial dependencies for the density fluctuation spectra and radiation propagation paths both near and out of the ecliptic plane. Outer Heliospheric Radio Emission Low-frequency radio wave emission was discovered in the distant heliosphere by the Voyager missions. A number of investigations [e.g., […]

Langmuir-Slow Extraordinary Mode Magnetic Signature Observations with Parker Solar Probe
by A. Larosa et al


Langmuir-Slow extraordinary mode (L-SE) waves have been routinely observed in the Solar wind and in Earth’s electron foreshock since the early age of the space exploration. They are intimately connected to the plasma emission mechanism for the type III and type II radio emissions. In fact, the generally accepted scenario is that L-SE waves are mode-converted to freely propagating electromagnetic emission at the plasma frequency. However,  the details of the […]

LOFAR size and shape measurements of solar metric radio burst sources
by Gordovskyy et al


The plasma density and magnetic field in the upper solar corona and inner heliosphere are not sufficient to produce detectable bremsstrahlung hard X-ray or gyrosynchrotron microwave emissions, making metric and decametric coherent radio emissions the only tool for probing energetic electrons in these layers of the solar atmosphere (e.g. McLean & Labrum 1985; Pick & Vilmer 2008 as reviews). This source of information is vital to understanding the underlying mechanisms […]

Fundamental electromagnetic emissions by a weak electron beam in solar wind plasmas with density fluctuations
by C. Krafft and P. Savoini


Solar radio bursts of Type III were currently observed since decades in the interplanetary space (Reid and Ratcliffe, 2014). They result from a series of successive processes arising in solar coronal and wind plasmas where Langmuir wave turbulence is radiated by electron beams generated during flares, leading ultimately to the emission of electromagnetic waves at the fundamental plasma frequency $\omega _{p}$ and its second harmonic. The Letter by Krafft and […]

New results from the spectral observations of solar coronal type II radio bursts
by R. Ramesh et al.*


While it is widely accepted that the type II radio bursts observed in the interplanetary medium are due to the coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the energetic disturbance responsible for the shocks that generate the type II bursts observed in the near-Sun corona is still being debated.  Several studies indicate that CMEs are responsible for the coronal type II bursts too, but flares and various other eruptive activity have also been […]

Spectral Analysis of Solar Radio Type III Bursts from 20 kHz to 410 MHz
by K. Sasikumar Raja et al.*


Solar type III radio bursts are produced by electron beams that are propagating along open magnetic field lines in the corona and interplanetary medium (IPM). Type III bursts drift from high frequency (~1 GHz) to 20 kHz at 1 AU and sometimes even beyond. It has been known for a long time that type IIIs are extremely variable, both in radio flux density and in observing frequency range. A statistical […]

Harvest of scientific results by Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves instrument
by Milan Maksimovic


For a mission that has just entered its primary science phase, Solar Orbiter has already produced many remarkable results. Released on December 14, 2021, a special issue of Astronomy and Astrophysics brings together a wealth of studies and observations obtained during the mission’s cruise phase. Of the 56 articles published, 25 are based on data from the Radio & Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument (Maksimovic et al., A&A, 2020). The RPW […]

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