Magnetic Field Geometry and Anisotropic Scattering Effects to Explain Puzzling LOFAR Solar Radio Burst Observations by D. L. Clarkson et al.


Solar radio bursts are an indirect signature of accelerated electron beams from the solar atmosphere. These fast electrons generate Langmuir waves as they propagate through a decreasing plasma density and ultimately lead to the bright broadband radio emissions with a characteristic fast frequency drift in dynamic spectra. Density turbulence in the plasma can modulate this process, producing fine structures such as sub-second, narrowband striae and spikes. These fine structures may […]

Flare Accelerated Electron Transport in Type III Solar Radio Bursts: large-scale transport and super-diffusive beam expansion by E. P. Kontar et al.


Solar flares, the most powerful magnetic explosions in our solar system, are often accompanied by intense bursts of radio emission known as type III solar radio bursts. These bursts provide valuable clues about the acceleration and transport of energetic electrons in the Sun’s atmosphere and beyond. Understanding these bursts is not only crucial for solar physics but also for predicting space weather events that can disrupt our technological infrastructure. A […]

Observation of an Extraordinary Type V Solar Radio Burst: Nonlinear Evolution of the Electron Two-Stream Instability, by A. O. Benz et al.


Solar type V radio bursts are broad-band continua associated with type III bursts, which are generally believed to be caused by coronal electron beams. Type V bursts appear sometimes for 0.2 to 3 minutes as a continuum following an intense type III burst or group of bursts. The spectral peak of type V bursts is generally below 100 MHz. The high-frequency edge is below the start frequency of the associated type […]

Temporally resolved Type III solar radio bursts in the frequency range 3-13 MHz by A. Vecchio et al.


Type III radio bursts are the most common coherent radio emission produced by the Sun. They are characterized by a rapid drift in time towards lower frequencies and represent an indirect signature of energetic electrons produced at the Sun during a flare and propagating through the plasma of the corona and the interplanetary medium. Type III bursts are observed over a wide range of frequencies ranging from about ∼500 MHz […]

Spectral cleaving in solar type II radio bursts: Observations and interpretation by A. Koval et al.


Solar eruptive events, such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), can generate shock waves that propagate through the solar corona. These shock waves accelerate electrons, leading to Langmuir waves that are then converted into radio emission of type II solar bursts, which are radio signatures of these shocks. On solar spectrograms, type II bursts are typically characterized by fundamental and harmonic lanes drifting from high to low frequencies within […]

A Possible Indication of the Insufficiency of Simplistic Homogeneous Models for Estimating Magnetic Fields of CMEs using Gyrosynchrotron Emission by Devojyoti Kansabanik et al.


Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale plasma and magnetic field expulsions from the solar corona into the heliosphere. The magnetic field entrained in the CME plasma is crucial to understanding their propagation, evolution, and geo-effectiveness. Among the different observables at radio wavelengths, spectral modeling of faint gyrosynchrotron (GS) emission from CME plasma has been regarded as one of the most promising remote observing techniques for estimating spatially resolved CME magnetic […]

Observations of coronal holes with the Siberian Radio Heliograph by Altyntsev et al.


Coronal holes (CHs) are regions of reduced brightness in solar disk images in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) or soft X-ray emissions corresponding to configurations with open magnetic field lines. Data on their area and depth of brightness depression is used in forecasts of solar wind parameters in the vicinity of Earth. Regular two-dimensional observations of CHs in microwaves with a spatial resolution to 10–20“ began in the 1990s at frequencies of […]

Generation of Series of Meter/Decimeter III type Bursts During Thermal Phase of Solar Flare by Meshalkina and Altyntsev


It has been established that decimeter type III bursts are generated in the upper corona by electron beams. However, many questions remain about their sources to this day. Some were associated with the jets generated by regular solar flares, but most were found to be associated with weak energy release events. The purpose of this work is to determine the relationship of meter and decimeter III type bursts with the […]

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