- CESRA 2023: Radio emission from the Sun to the Earth
- University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK
July 3 – 7, 2023
- University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK
- 16th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-16)
- ESPM-16, cosponsored by CESRA
Virtual meeting
September 6-10, 2021 - Special issue published in Advances in Space Research (February 2023)
- ESPM-16, cosponsored by CESRA
- CESRA 2019: The Sun and the inner heliosphere
- Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
July 8 – 12, 2019
- Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
- 15th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-15)
- ESPM-15, cosponsored by CESRA
Budapest, Hungury
September 4-8, 2017 - Special issue published in Advances in Space Research (February 2019)
- ESPM-15, cosponsored by CESRA
- CESRA 2016: Solar radio physics from the chromosphere to near Earth
- Orleans (Hotel Dupanloup), France
June 13 – 17, 2016 - Proceedings: Original science papers have been published in the Solar Physics Topical Collection edited by Eduard Kontar and Alexander Nindos.
The included papers are described in the preface the issue (see CESRA nugget).
- Orleans (Hotel Dupanloup), France
- 14th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-14)
- ESPM-14, cosponsored by CESRA
Dublin, Ireland
September 8-12, 2014
- ESPM-14, cosponsored by CESRA
- CESRA 2013: New eyes looking at solar activity: Challenges for theory and simulations
- Prague, Czech Republic
June 24 – 29, 2013
Proceedings: Original science papers have been published in the Solar Physics Topical Issue, Volume 290, Issue 1, 2015.
The included papers are described in the first article of the issue, New Eyes Looking at Solar Activity: Challenges for Theory and Simulations – Placing It into Context (open access).
The CESRA Guest Editors were Silja Pohjolainen and Marian Karlicky, and Editors Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi and Cristina Mandrini.
- Prague, Czech Republic
- CESRA 2010: Energy storage and release through the solar activity cycle – models meet radio observations
- La Roche en Ardenne, Belgium
June 14 – 19, 2010
Proceedings: Review papers and original science papers have been published in a Solar Physics Topical Issue, with CESRA Guest Editors Christophe Marqué and Alexander Nindos, and Editors Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi and Cristina Mandrini. See list of contents at the Springer website (Volume 273, Number 2 / November 2011).
- La Roche en Ardenne, Belgium
- CESRA 2007: Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME relationship
- Ioannina, Greece
June 12 – 16, 2007
Proceedings: Review papers and original science papers were published in the Solar Physics Topical Issue Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship, Vol. 253, Numbers 1-2, December 2008, editor L. van Driel-Gesztelyi and guest editors K.-L. Klein and S. Pohjolainen
- Ioannina, Greece
- The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations
- EPS-Solar Physics Meeting SPM-11, cosponsored by CESRA & JOSO
Leuven, Belgium
September 11-16, 2005
- EPS-Solar Physics Meeting SPM-11, cosponsored by CESRA & JOSO
- CESRA 2004: The High Energy Solar Corona: Waves, Eruptions, Particles
- Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Scotland
June 7 – 11, 2004
Proceedings: Invited talks and working group reports were published in a topical volume of Lecture Notes in Physics 725, editors K.-L. Klein and A. MacKinnon
- Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Scotland
- CESRA2001: Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona
- Ringberg Castle near Tegernsee/Munich, Germany
July 2 – 6, 2001
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Physics 612, Springer-Verlag, 2003 (ed. K-L.Klein)
- Ringberg Castle near Tegernsee/Munich, Germany
- CESRA2000: Workshop on Collisionless Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and the Heliosphere
- Session at the 25th EGS General Assembly
Nice, France
April 24 – 29, 2000
no Proceedings
- Session at the 25th EGS General Assembly
- Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes
- EPS-Solar Physics Meeting cosponsored by CESRA & JOSO
Florence, Italy
September 12 – 18, 1999
Proceedings: ESA SP-448 (ed. A. Wilson)
- EPS-Solar Physics Meeting cosponsored by CESRA & JOSO
- CESRA1998: Coronal Explosive Events
- Siikaranta (Espoo), Finland
June 9 – 13, 1998
no Proceedings
- Siikaranta (Espoo), Finland
- CESRA 1996: Coronal Physics from Radio and Space Observations
- Nouan le Fuzelier, France
June 3 – 7, 1996
Proceedings (reviews): Lecture Notes in Physics 483, Springer-Verlag, 1997 (ed.G. Trottet)
- Nouan le Fuzelier, France
- CESRA 1994: Coronal Magnetic Energy Releases
- Potsdam, Germany
May 16-20, 1994
Proceedings (reviews): Lecture Notes in Physics 444, Springer-Verlag, 1995 (eds. A.O. Benz, A.Krüger)
Proceedings (articles): Solar Physics Vol.160, No.1, August 1995
- Potsdam, Germany
- Fragmented Energy Release in Sun and Stars
- (CESRA cosponsored)
Utrecht, The Netherlands
October 18-21, 1993
Proceedings: Space Science Review, 68 (1994) (ed. G.H.J. van Oord)
- (CESRA cosponsored)
- CESRA 1991: Fragmentation of Energy Release in Space
- Ouranoupolis, Greece
June 3-7, 1991
no Proceedings
- Ouranoupolis, Greece
- CESRA 1989: Particle Beams in the Solar Atmosphere
- Braunwald, Switzerland
August 21-25, 1989
Proceedings: Solar Phys. 130 (1990) (ed. A.O. Benz)
- Braunwald, Switzerland
- CESRA 1986: Particle Acceleration and Trapping in Solar Flares
- Aubigny-sur-Nère, France
June 23-26, 1986
Proceedings: Solar Phys. 111 (1987) (eds. G. Trottet, N.Vilmer)
- Aubigny-sur-Nère, France
- CESRA 1985: Radio Continua During Solar Flares
- Duino, Italy
May 27-31, 1985
Proceedings: Solar Phys. 104 (1986) (ed. A.O. Benz)
- Duino, Italy
- CESRA 1982: Solar Noise Storms
- Duino, Italy
August 9-13, 1982
Proceedings: Internal Report, Osservatorio Astronomica di Trieste (eds. A.O. Benz, P.Zlobec)
- Duino, Italy
- CESRA 1980: Solar Noise Storms (Orages solaires de type I)
- Gordes, France
March 17-21, 1980
Proceedings: Editions du CNRS (ISBN 2-222-03040-4) (eds. J.L. Bougeret, A.O.Benz)
- Gordes, France
- CESRA 1978: Contexte Coronal des Eruptions Solaires
- Toulouse, France
March 9-10, 1978
Proceedings: Colloques internationaux du CNES, 282 (1978), (eds. S. Dumont, J. Rösch)
- Toulouse, France
- CESRA 1975
- Florence, Italy
February 25-27, 1975
Proceedings: Osservazione e Memorie, 105 (eds. C. Chiuderi, M. Landini, A. Righini)
- Florence, Italy
- CESRA 1974
- Berne, Switzerland
March 4-8, 1974
Proceedings: Internal Report, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Berne (ed. E. Schanda)
- Berne, Switzerland
- CESRA 1972
- Bordeaux – Floirac, France
September 21-22, 1972
Proceedings: Internal Report, Observatoire de l’Université de Bordeaux (eds. J. Delannoy, F.Poumeyrol)
- Bordeaux – Floirac, France