Radio monitoring of solar activity
by Monique Pick

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new web site Radio monitoring at

This radio survey is a joint effort of the Paris Observatory, the University of Athens, the University of Ioannina, and the Solar Physics Branch of the Naval Research Laboratory. The site is still under construction. At the present stage, it provides a daily survey (08-16 UT) which includes:

  • Radio spectra covering the 600 MHz-30 kHz frequency range. These spectra are obtained by combining data from different radio spectrographs (e.g., Wind WAVES, Nancay Decameter Array, ARTEMIS)
  • Radio imaging at 164 MHz, movies and access to multi-frequency data (450-150 MHz, 10 or 120 second integration), providing files readable by SolarSoft
  • The CMEs observed by SOHO which occurred during the 08-16 UT observing period are also reported
  • Real time observations by the Nancay Radioheliograph

The 24-hour radio spectra measured by the STEREO A-B and Wind missions will soon be included.


On the right is an exemplary 8-hour composite plot from June 1, 2005. It consists of the Wind WAVES RAD 1 and RAD2, Nancay Decameter Array and ARTEMIS IV dynamic spectra, and the East-West and North-South 1-dimensional heliocentric positions recorded by the Nancay Radioheliograph.


Example of a zoom to the time period of 10-11 UT on 25 September 2001, with selected images from the Nancay Radioheliograph movie with 10 second time resolution ( see the link to the data in question):

grc20010925_1000 nrh2_1640_20010925_104000nrh2_1640_20010925_104010nrh2_1640_20010925_104020