Research Fellow
I’m working on ‘Semantic Resource Discovery for the Virtual Observatories’ (aka ‘astronomical data management’, or ‘astroinformatics’, or some variant on that).
- Sensitivity review ‘Knowledge Exchange’ project, working with The National Archives and GU Computing Science, 2013.
- MaRDI-Gross ‘Managing Research Data Infrastructures in Big Science’, 2011–2012, JISC
- AstroDAbis, 2011, JISC
- Managing Research Data – Gravitational Waves, 2009–2011, JISC
- Explicator ‘Intelligent access to foreign data models’, 2007–2009, EPSRC
- SKUA ‘Semantic Knowledge Underpinning Astronomy’, 2008–2009, JISC
- AGAST ‘Advanced Grid Authorisation through Semantic Technologies’, 2008–2009, JISC
…plus time on projects led by others
Virtual Observatory:
- Vice-chair, then chair, of IVOA Semantics WG (2010–present)
- Member of IVOA Technical Coordination Group
- Special Relativity, second year (2000–02 & 2010–)
- General Relativity, honours (biennially since 2002–03)
Room 605
School of Physics and Astronomy
Kelvin Building
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
Tel: +44 141 330 7111
Personal homepage
(the contents of which are the responsibility of Dr Norman Gray)