Professor of Plasma Physics
My research interest is in the physics of plasmas, particularly theory and numerical simulations of fluid plasmas, and imperfectly ionised low-temperature technological plasmas.
This interest divides into two general areas:
Low energy phenomena in plasmas:
These are non-equilibrium, low temperature plasmas in which charged-particle interactions with neutrals plays a significant role. Topics such as ionization fronts, plasma chemistry, surface charging (including dust interactions), gas-plasma momentum exchange and electric field evolution are included here.
High energy phenomena in plasmas:
Pair plasmas (that is, electron-positron plasmas) populate pulsar magnetospheres, and make a key contribution to the pulsar radiation characteristics. Since they are intrinsically relativistic, this branch of plasma research addresses the evolution of (ultra-) relativistic plasma distributions, including electrostatic phenomena, relativistic damping and radiative instabilities.
Additional Information
Recent research grants:
EP/K006142/1 “Microplasma-assisted manipulation of intact airborne bacteria for real-time autonomous detection” (£325k), PI, in conjunction with EP/K006088/1 Maguire, NIBEC (£645k)
ST/I001808/1 “Rolling Programme in Solar and Plasma Astrophysics”, (£1.2M) Co-I
KE Fund: “Novel medical device aseptic cleaning and storage methods for efficient healthcare logistics” , PI (Andrew Smith, CoI) £9.9k
Published output:
You can find my publications via my ResearcherID.
I am also the author of “Plasma Formulary for Physics, Astronomy & Technology“, Wiley, 2nd Edition, and am a Founding Director (with Hugh Potts) of the spin-out company, Anacail Ltd.
Room 606
School of Physics and Astronomy
Kelvin Building
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
Tel: +44 141 330 5686
Fax: +44 141 330 8600
Skype: declan.andrew.diver