Extreme Astrophysics

An extra-mural course presented by the
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Commencing January 2007

Course Aims

From 'death stars' to superstrings, the universe abounds with phenomena of astonishing energy and power.
In this course we will review our current understanding of the cosmos at its most extreme, exploring such topics as:

Course Presentations
Lecture 1
Introduction - part 1 powers of ten video powers of ten 
orders of 
magnitude webpage
Lecture 2
Introduction - part 2 link to quantum physics talk and background notes
Lecture 3
Introduction - part 3 Supernova movie
Lecture 4 Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Lecture 5 Cosmic ray astrophysics
Lecture 6 The threat from asteroid collision
Lecture 7 Gamma Ray Bursts
Lecture 8 Cosmology 1
Lecture 9 Cosmology 2 
Lecture 10
quantum gravity presentation quantum gravity IOP 1
quantum gravity IOP 2 quantum gravity IOP 3
quantum gravity IOP 4 quantum gravity IOP 5

Associated Movies

Some of the course presentations include movies; these are not embedded within the power point or pdf files.
They will need to be downloaded separately.  The movies will appear here as the course proceeds.

Light bulbs (illustrating the inverse square law)

Please send any comments or questions on Extreme Astrophysics to Martin Hendry