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C.1.62 Element span

C.1.62.1 Description

This element is intended to delimit properly-nested regions in the flow of text. At present, the only attribute it has is the media attribute, but it might be extended with a more general `class' attribute at some point.

Note the place of this element in the element hierarchy. It can include all the elements which are permitted inside a paragraph, such as verbatim or dl and the like, but it cannot be included within any of these in-paragraph elements.

C.1.62.2 Parents

p, px, span

C.1.62.3 Content

( #pcdata | em | strong | quote | code | kbd | cite | m | angle | foreign | ref | docxref | webref | url | citation | coderef | mequation | meqnarray | blockquote | dl | ul | ol | verbatim | linespecific | span | update | tabular | index | note | draftnote) *

 |_(#PCDATA |
 |__em |
 |__strong |
 |__quote |
 |__code |
 |__kbd |
 |__cite |
 |__m |
 |__angle |
 |__foreign |
 |__ref |
 |__docxref |
 |__webref |
 |__url |
 |__citation |
 |__coderef |
 |__mequation |
 |__meqnarray |
 |__blockquote |
 |__dl |
 |__ul |
 |__ol |
 |__verbatim |
 |__linespecific |
 |__span | ...
 |__update |
 |__tabular |
 |__index |
 |__note |

C.1.62.4 Attribute span/media

This attribute specifies the media type or types for which the element's content should be included in the output. If the attribute is missing, then the element content is included.

If the attribute is specified, than it shall be a list of media types separated by commas, each of which is optionally followed by a parameter string, separated from the media type by whitespace. The grammar is therefore:

media-spec-list = media-spec ( ',' media-spec )*
media-spec      =   S* media-type S*
                  | S* media-type S+ parameter-list
media-type      = [A-Za-z0-9-]+
parameter-list  = [^,]+
(where `S' is whitespace). At present, the parameter-list is ignored, and the only media-types recognised (case-sensitively) are (quoting from the HTML4 spec):
Intended for non-paged computer screens.
Intended for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, such as teletypes, terminals, or portable devices with limited display capabilities.
Intended for paged, opaque material and for documents viewed on screen in print preview mode.
Suitable for all devices.
As the Starlink SGML kit exists at present, screen is for producing HTML, print for producing printed documentation, and tty for HLP files. Unrecognised media-types are permitted, but ignored.

The element content is included in the output document if:

  1. The media attribute is omitted
  2. The media attribute includes the media-type all.
  3. The media attribute includes a media-type which a particular down-converter is designed to process. For example, the HTML down-converter will process span elements with media-type screen.

For example, if a document had a span element of the form Example:

<span media="screen, 3d-glasses, print and resolution > 90dpi"
  >Blah blah blah<span>
then this would resolve to the three media types screen, 3d-glasses and print, and the content `Blah blah blah' would be included by the HTML and print down-converters.

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The Starlink SGML Set
Starlink System Note 70
Norman Gray, Mark Taylor
21 April 1999. Release DR-0.7-13. Last updated 24 August 2001