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C.1.15 Element coderef

C.1.15.1 Description

This element makes a link to a routine referred to within a codecollection element. That element makes a reference to a document which is marked up using the programcode DTD. Example:

<!DOCTYPE sun PUBLIC "-//Starlink//DTD Starlink SUN 0.7//EN" [
  <!ENTITY testprog SYSTEM "test2.sgml" SUBDOC>
<p>Here is some text.  It refers to 
<coderef collection=cc1 id=tryxxx>the tryxxx function</coderef>.
We could also refer to this, in this case, as the function
<coderef id=tryxxx/>.

<sect id=two export>Routines
<codecollection doc="testprog" id=cc1>
The coderef element refers to an ID attached to an element in the programcode document (which will be either a routine or a routinename element).

Like the ref element, if you do not supply any content for this element - that is, you give the element as <coderef collection="cc1" id="tryxxx"/> - then the target function's name will be used as the text.

C.1.15.2 Parents

attribution, cite, code, dt, em, entry, foreign, kbd, line, p, px, quote, span, strong, verbatim

C.1.15.3 Content

( #pcdata )


C.1.15.4 Attribute coderef/collection

The ID which you have assigned to a codecollection. If omitted, the coderef element is taken to refer to the first codecollection element in the document, which is useful if there is only one such element in a simple document.

C.1.15.5 Attribute coderef/id

The ID within the programcode document.

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The Starlink SGML Set
Starlink System Note 70
Norman Gray, Mark Taylor
21 April 1999. Release DR-0.7-13. Last updated 24 August 2001