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3.6 Try it yourself - running the SGML parser

Type the document given in Figure 2 into a file, and check it with the distributed SGML parser, as follows.

Firstly, and most importantly, try converting your document to HTML. This uses the script sgml2docs. If the document is in a file sun1234.sgml, give the command sgml2docs sun1234.sgml, which will transform your document into a collection of HTML files, and package them up into a tar-file by the name of sun1234.tar. Alternatively, give the command sgml2docs --latex sun1234.sgml, which will transform your document into a LaTeX file, and place it, and any figures required for processing into a file sun1234.tar (note that the same output filename is used for both formats, by default). See Section 6.2 for further details and options.

Another way of processing your document is to run the underlying parser on the document - this is the most efficient way of checking that your document is valid, in the sense that it conforms to the DTD is claims to. Give the command parse -s sun1234.sgml (see the detailed documentation for the parse script). This invokes the nsgmls parser, and, with the -s option, suppresses all output except warnings and error messages. This means that for a valid document, you should see precisely no output from this command. If you want to see output, leave off the -s option and the parser will produce a version of your document in a form (documented elsewhere) which is easy for a downstream application to parse. If you are experiencing puzzling validation errors with a document, it can occasionally be useful to examine this output: if you can make sense of it, it gives you an authoritative account of what the underlying parser sees in your document.

There are several ways of parsing this output for yourself, should you want to do that. For example, SGMLSpm will parse this output format and allow you to process SGML documents using Perl. The crucial thing in this case is the final line in the output, which should be a single `C' command, indicating that the document conforms to its DTD.

If you want to try normalising your document, give the command sgmlnorm sun1234.sgml. This transforms your document into an equivalent one with all omitted elements reinserted.

Try making parts of your document invalid, and comparing the error with the error message nsgmls produces.

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The Starlink SGML Set
Starlink System Note 70
Norman Gray, Mark Taylor
21 April 1999. Release DR-0.7-13. Last updated 24 August 2001