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2.5.2 Optimization

Just say no! Or, if you need authority:

[ Donald Knuth, in Literate Programming ]

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

The first thing to ask yourself, when you are considering performance enhancements on your code is `do I really need to do this?'. You should only attempt optimizations once you have either identified a particular part of your code which needs improving, or else you know that you can write the efficient version of the code correctly. If the `efficient' version is unnatural, then the savings in runtime you achieve by reordering the code have a good chance of being wiped out by the time spent debugging a convoluted juggling act. Within reason, prefer simplicity and robustness to efficiency[Note 8] -- get your code working correctly and believably, and only then start worrying about speed. That way, if you later establish that you need to work on part of the code, you at least have a trusted set of results to check the new version's against. Another way of putting this is that it's easier to optimize correct code than it is to correct optimized code.

If you're writing a code which will run for days or more, then it might be worthwhile investing a significant effort in tuning your code for performance. Doing this properly might involve you learning more about your machine's architecture than you might enjoy, and as as result will make your program less portable to the next generation of whizz-bang hardware, or even the next compiler.

It is generally worthwhile to use hand-optimized routines, if they are available for your compiler. Where this can pay particularly good dividends is in the case of linear algebra, where the speed of a calculation can be significantly improved (`a factor of several') by routines carefully written to access memory in an optimal way. There is a standard interface to such routines called the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines), which your compiler documentation may mention. Although it won't be as fast as a machine-specific implementation, the free BLAS implementation at Netlib (UK mirror) should speed your codes up significantly. [MBT,RW]

The first lesson to learn about optimization is that the compiler can probably do it better than you can.

Most compilers will have a -On option, to allow you to set how aggressive the compiler's optimization will be. The GNU gcc compiler, for example, allows optimization levels 1, 2 and 3, and Solaris Fortran has five levels, which progressively enable more techniques for improving your program's execution speed. Compaq compilers have a `-tune host' option, to produce code optimized for a particular machine. [MBT]

If your program starts behaving oddly, at some point you should start worrying about errant optimization, if you have that turned on. Optimization works by the compiler recognising patterns in your code, and possibly rearranging the output assembly language to take advantage of these. If it gets this wrong (because there's a bug), if your program relies on a particular floating-point behaviour, or if you're doing something sufficiently weird with your programming language that you manage to confuse the compiler, then you could trick it into doing the wrong thing.

Specifically, if you have occasion to worry about the order in which expressions are evaluated -- for example to conserve precision, as described in Section -- then you should be very wary of optimization, as one of the first things an optimizer might do is to reorder expressions which are associative mathematically but not computationally. If you have some code like this, it might be best to isolate a single routine in a module of its own and compile it separately with its own appropriate optimization level.

Parallelization is another type of optimization. Just say no several times to this, but if you have an application which really needs it, then buy a book and some aspirins. See Section

Although you should generally leave optimization to the compiler, there are some things you can do to at least avoid getting in its way. Avoid using the register keyword in C

This is, historically, supposed to suggest to a compiler that a particular variable might be better stored in a register than in main memory, though the actual semantics defined in the C standard is that the keyword is an assertion that the program nowhere takes the address of the variable so qualified. Such an assertion means, amongst other things, that the variable will never be visible from any other functions, which might trigger other optimizations. [SG]

You do not need to use this keyword to actually suggest to the compiler that it store the variable in a register, since the compiler might well do this anyway, and have a better idea of which (non-obvious, or temporary) variables to choose than you have. Walk through arrays in the correct order

A multi-dimensional array is necessarily stored in memory as a linear array. If you have to process this entire array, it will be fastest if you try to do so in the order in which the array is stored. Fortran arrays are stored with the leftmost index varying fastest. That is, the Fortran array integer i(2,2) will be stored in memory in the order i(1,1), i(2,1), i(1,2) and i(2,2)

Take, for example the Fortran array integer ia(1000,1000). If you run through this array with the first index changing fastest, as in the following fragment

 do 10,
              j=1,1000 do 20, i=1,1000 call some_calc (ia(i,j)) 20
              continue 10 continue

then you will move through the array in the `natural' order. If, however, you process it in the other order, with the second index changing fastest, then when you move from ia(i,j) to ia(i,j+1), the computer will have to jump 1000 places forward in the stored array, each time round the loop. This would not matter too much if the entire array were stored in physical memory, but this will not be the case for any sizable matrix, so that to find the appropriate array element, the machine may have to reload part of its memory from a saved version on disk. Such input is relatively slow, and if the calculation is laid out in such a way that this happens repeatedly in an inner loop, which is executed many times by an outer loop, then there can be a significant impact on your program's performance.

This system of swapping memory back and forth to disk is known as `virtual memory', and the machine's discovery that the memory it needs is swapped out is known as a `page fault', and is one of the important statistics about the run of your program. You can obtain such statistics in copious detail by using the compiler's profiler (see Section 2.5.1), or quickly by using the time command (see your system's time man-page for details -- not all versions provide this information by default).

Of course, it's not really as simple as just that. Even when the entire array is stored in physical memory, or when you have rearranged your program to minimise the number of page faults, it can be important not to hop about in arrays too much. Modern architectures will typically have a small amount (modern PCs around half a Mb, biggish servers around 8 Mb) of memory called `cache' which has much faster access time (typically an order of magnitude or more) than the bulk of the RAM. The relationship between this and core RAM is strongly analogous to the relationship between core RAM and disk, in that cache-lines (which are like memory pages, but typically only a few words long) get swapped in and out of it when one word from the line is required. The upshot of that is that it's important to avoid hopping about over distances much smaller than an I/O page since, even if you have no page faults, cache faults make a huge difference. And of course it's not as simple as that either -- sometimes there are two levels of cache, some architectures implement some sort of prefetching, and so on. Except with some rather sophisticated profilers (which generally have to be supported by a processor architecture which keeps a record of these things) it's not really possible to see how many cache faults you're getting, except by writing the code more efficiently and seeing what the difference is. [MBT]

Unlike Fortran, C arrays are stored with the rightmost index increasing fastest, so that the array int i[2][2] will be stored as i[0][0], i[0][1], i[1][0] and i[1][1]. I/O

Input and output are slow, and the faster processors become, the bigger is the cost of I/O relative to CPU cycles. That means you should think twice before writing out intermediate results, for reuse later in the same calculation or another. For example, it's quite easy to fall into the trap of `saving time' by reading in a precalculated table of values, without realising that it can take more time to read the file than it would take to recalculate the table from scratch each time. Remember that computers don't get bored, and don't mind doing the same calculation repeatedly.

If you do need to save values for later use, and don't mind doing it only semi-portably, you can save time and precision by using raw I/O rather than formatted ASCII [RW]. A C example is:

FILE *ofile; float arr[10];

/* set arr[i] to have sensible values */

ofile = fopen ("output-c.dat", "w");
fwrite ((void*)arr, sizeof(arr[0]), 10, ofile);
fclose (ofile);
Note that we carefully cast the variable arr to type void*, and that we could replace this by (void*)&arr[0] if we thought it was clearer. Note also the minor trick of using sizeof(arr[0]) rather than the more obvious sizeof(float); they are equivalent, but the first will remain correct even if we change our mind about the size of the elements of the array arr. You would read the contents of this file in using the function fread.

The fwrite and fread functions are not portable in general, since they deal with floating point numbers merely as bundles of bits, and pays no attention to how these are interpreted. This means that such files are not portable between machines which interpret these bits differently, so that files written on a little-endian machine (see Section 2.3.2) will be gibberish if read on a big-endian machine, and vice-versa. However, C's raw I/O is semi-portable, inasmuch as the fwrite function above does nothing other than copy 10\times4 bytes (in this case) from memory to disk; fread similarly copies bytes from disk to memory without any interpretation.

The corresponding Fortran example is

      real arr(10)
C     set arr() to have sensible values
      open (unit=99,file='output-f.dat',form='unformatted')
      write (99) arr
      close (99)
Note that Fortran unformatted output is not portable in any way. Unlike C raw I/O, the Fortran compiler is free to store the information on disk in any way it likes, and the resulting file will not, in general, have 10\times4 bytes in it. That is Fortran unformatted I/O is machine- and compiler- specific, and the file output-f.dat in this example will only be readable in general using a Fortran program built using the same compiler. Use NaN and Infinity

As described in Section, any operation which has a NaN as input, produces a NaN as its result. Similarly, the special values positive and negative Infinity are legitimate numbers which can appear in a calculation. Consider the following code fragment:

      do 10, i=-5000,5000
         do 20, j=-5000,5000
            if (j .ne. 0) then
               t(i,j) = real(i)/real(j)
               t(i,j) = 0.0
   20    continue
   10 continue
The if test is to avoid a division-by-zero error. If this loop were buried deep within a hierarchy of other loops, then the test could be the source of a significant fraction of the runtime. It can, however be omitted, allowing the matrix t(i,j) to include numerous Infinitys and one NaN (due to 0/0). Because both of these values are permissable floating-point operands, they can be allowed to percolate through the rest of the calculation without elaborate further tests, to be checked only at the end. This is possible only if the floating-point environment is set up not to generate signals on floating-point exceptions (see also Section

Note that calculations involving the exceptional values tend to run more slowly than those using normal values, so if your calculation produces a significant number of exceptional values -- like the artificial example above -- a switch to IEEE semantics might not produce a speed win overall. Note also that the expression ( is not equivalent to .not.(, since both and are false when one of the variables is an IEEE exceptional value: this could produce hard-to-find bugs if you were not alert to this when you were writing the code. [SG] Remove debugging options

It may or may not be obvious that debugging and profiling options, as discussed in Section 2.5.3 and Section 2.5.1, will both slow your program down (especially in the latter case), and make it bigger. You should compile your program, or at least the numerically intensive parts of it, without them when you are not debugging it. [MBT] Choose a fast compiler

Random points: Further reading

Take a look at the Sun Numerical Computation Guide [sunncg], particularly the end of chapter 5, and at the collection of papers at <>, particularly the helpful paper about compiler switches: you_and_your_compiler (this is a generally useful collection of Sun papers, by the way).

If you do need to spend significant effort tuning your code, then you should consult a textbook on the matter. A good one is High Performance Computing [dowd]. This reference touches on parallelizing your code, a topic which I have deemed sufficiently arcane not to be discussed at all in this introductory guide.

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Theory and Modelling Resources Cookbook
Starlink Cookbook 13
Norman Gray
2 December 2001. Release 2-5. Last updated 10 March 2003