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3.2.1 gnuplot

Gnuplot is valuable because it's so simple -- easy things can be done easily. If you want to graph an equation or plot some data, and produce postscript output, then you'll probably do it faster, from a standing start, than someone using one of the beefier packages. Its weaknesses are that it can't easily do very complicated or fancy visualisations (that is, it doesn't try to take over the world), and it deals naturally only with ASCII data in columns. It is scriptable, but I wouldn't fancy programming anything complicated with it.

Start it up with the simple command gnuplot. Once it's started, you can give it commands as simple as

gnuplot> plot sin(x)
to produce a plot of the sine function with default ranges, or you can give it a range and specify a line type as follows

gnuplot> plot [x=0:3.14] sin(x)*cos(x**2)**2 with impulses

Gnuplot can also graph data files. The example file gausssine.dat consists of two columns of 64\times64 values. It can be plotted in gnuplot with the commands:

gnuplot> set output 'gausssine-gnuplot.eps'
gnuplot> set terminal postscript eps
Terminal type set to 'postscript'
Options are 'eps monochrome dashed "Helvetica" 14'
gnuplot> splot 'gausssine.dat' using 1 with lines
gnuplot> set terminal x11    # set the terminal type back to the (default) X
gnuplot> set output          # close the output file
This produces the EPS file shown in Figure 1. The file has a blank line after each block of 64 numbers. Gnuplot interprets this as a signal that this is the end of a `row' of a matrix (a standard gnuplot gotcha is that is must be a completely blank line, with no whitespace). You can plot the surface represented by the second column, with the clause using 2 to splot. Gnuplot can read more generally formatted data, but that's already stepping towards advanced usage.

File gausssine.dat, displayed with gnuplot
Figure 1:

File gausssine.dat, displayed with gnuplot

There is good help within gnuplot, available by typing help.

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Theory and Modelling Resources Cookbook
Starlink Cookbook 13
Norman Gray
2 December 2001. Release 2-5. Last updated 10 March 2003