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D.1.54 Element purpose

D.1.54.1 Description

A brief description of the function being documented, to be used in contexts where only a brief function summary is required. If this element is missing, then the contents of the first paragraph of the description are used instead. This means that you can safely omit this element if the first paragraph of your description is also an adequate summary, or if the function is minor enough that it only warrants a one-line explanation anyway.

D.1.54.2 Parents


D.1.54.3 Content

(( #pcdata | em | strong | quote | code | kbd | cite | m | angle | foreign | funcname | ref | docxref | webref | url | mequation | meqnarray | blockquote | dl | ul | ol | verbatim | linespecific | span) * )

 |_((#PCDATA |
 |___em |
 |___strong |
 |___quote |
 |___code |
 |___kbd |
 |___cite |
 |___m |
 |___angle |
 |___foreign |
 |___funcname |
 |___ref |
 |___docxref |
 |___webref |
 |___url |
 |___mequation |
 |___meqnarray |
 |___blockquote |
 |___dl |
 |___ul |
 |___ol |
 |___verbatim |
 |___linespecific |

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The Starlink SGML Set
Starlink System Note 70
Norman Gray, Mark Taylor
21 April 1999. Release DR-0.7-13. Last updated 24 August 2001