This example Maple file gives a slightly fuller example of Maple use than given in Section 3.1.
# read into maple with > read ``: # Define a 2-d gaussian gi:=amp*exp(-(aparam^2/sa^2+bparam^2/sb^2)/2): aparam:=cos(theta)*(xc-x0)+sin(theta)*(yc-y0): bparam:=-sin(theta)*(xc-x0)+cos(theta)*(yc-y0): # Declare arrays. We expressed the gaussian in terms of intelligible # identifiers, but we want these to be output as array references when # we produce the Fortran at the end xa := array(1..5): ca := array(1..1): x0 := xa[1]: y0 := xa[2]: sa := xa[3]: sb := xa[4]: theta := xa[5]: amp := ca[1]: # aadf are the variables we'll differentiate with respect to aadf:=[x0,y0,sa,sb,theta]: # ...and array of differentials. dyda:=array(1..6): for i to 5 do dyda[i]:=diff(gi,aadf[i]) od: dyda[6] := gi: # Output the result as Fortran fortran (dyda, filename=`gaussianab.f`, optimized);