Coupling from the Photosphere to the Chromosphere and the Corona

Wedemeyer-Böhm, S., A. Lagg, and Å. Nordlund, Coupling from the Photosphere to the Chromosphere and the Corona, Space Sci. Rev., 144, 317-350 (2009) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

The obvious complexity champion cartoon in the series, showing the ever-more-rococo and ill-understood dynamical structures in between the photosphere and corona. The earliest ancestor of this sort of cartoon (note the greatly improved level of complexity nowadays) might have been that of Dowdy in far-ago 1986 (but for the ancient history, see perhaps the De Jager cartoon). Note the irony - this is the layer in which boundary conditions for numerical models of the coronal magnetic field, and for that matter solar-interior models, typically are put. What a bad boundary! A skeptic could look at this and ask what in the world it has to do with a solar flare or CME ("fluctosphere"???!!!). But the Archivist strongly suspects that we'll never figure things out without solving the problems displayed here - sort of - at the same time.

      Note that the Archive takes some license here with the original art work, adding the version at the bottom with a somewhat more correct aspect ratio. In general the height dimension is the least well governed by observations.

Date: 2008 October 10

Update: 2019 November 21