A Microfilament-eruption Mechanism for Solar Spicules

Sterling, Alphonse C. and Ronald L. Moore, A Microfilament-eruption Mechanism for Solar Spicules, ApJ, 828, L9 (2016) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A cartoon that ineptly describes a revolutionary idea about jets: are they not all just filament eruptions, but just tiny ones? The reason that this seems like an inept cartoon (to the Archivist, at least) is that a filament eruption is just that, observationally; the filament rises into the heliosphere - this terminal stage is not shown here. It is interesting physically because the closed field supporting the filament mass should accompany the eruption, leading to open fields of both polarities. Otherwise one is probably asking too much of a Maxwell's Demon in selecting the loose ends (a nonsense concept) of field lines (a dangerous concept) to reconnect (a popular concept).

      Note, from this cartoon, that the jet flow into the corona is on unipolar field, so that the density enhancement as seen by a coronagraph would require interpretation as a pseudo-streamer. A proper filament eruption leading to a CME would result in a domain with minority polarity.

Date: 2019 November 20

Update: 2019 November 29