Plasma Motion inside Flaring Regions Revealed by Doppler Shift Information from SDO/EVE Observations

Cheng, Z., Y. Wang, R. Liu, Z. Zhou, and K. Liu, Plasma Motion inside Flaring Regions Revealed by Doppler Shift Information from SDO/EVE Observations, ApJ, 875, 93 (2019) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

Yet another CSHKP model illustration, but worthwhile here because it tries to identify some of the Doppler signatures that one might follow. It omits the known SAD phenomenon, which would be up in the "reconnection outflow" regions (below and, though not shown here, above) the hypothetically unique X point of 2D reconnection theory. This is important because XUV imaging spectroscopy already exists and may get better, so that a combination of geometric knowledge (the imaging) and kinematic knowledge (the Doppler shifts) may really show us the way things work. We should also bear in mind that these complexities will occur in stellar events that may have physically similar components.

Date: 2021 April 14