Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. I. A Generalized Model

Shu, Frank, Joan Najita, Eve Ostriker, Frank Wilkin, Steven Ruden, and Susana Lizano, Magnetocentrifugally Driven Flows from Young Stars and Disks. I. A Generalized Model, ApJ, 429, 781 (1994) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

The celebrated X-wind, in its original cartoonification. This was among the first of many papers on the electrodynamics of a stellar object enmeshed with an accretion disk and a wind. Linking a remote massive object to the electrodynamics of a stellar atmosphere has other possibilities, including a binary stellar companion or a planet. A more recent Archive entry lists a few more.

Date: 2019 November 23

Update: 2020 October 05