Jed Homer




I am an undergraduate student of Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Glasgow, UK. I am currently working on my masters project under the supervision of Prof. Martin Hendry and Dr. Chris Messenger.

I am interested in where natural science and artificial intelligence meet. I like the emergent and subtle relationship between ideas in neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Particularly where this relationship meets the function and design of a machine or a program. I currently work in cosmology, where I am using generative AI to mimic the large-scale distribution of galaxies that make up the immense volumes of webbed structure. I am working on creating a generator that is capable of forming distributions for various values of redshift. If these can be brought together whilst maintaining their statistical coherence, the AI can then be said to be capable of generating an artificial universe.

In my spare time I enjoy making drawings and paintings. I like thinking about the experiential side of nature and perception. It makes an interesting opposition to the scientific mode of thinking. Whilst I am not finding new information in anything other than subjective terms, I believe deeply that well constructed art can channel a powerful function of the mind. Encoding things in new ways is certainly an important part of investigation in novel methods of artificial intelligence.

It is also important for a scientist to be able to communicate their ideas in simple and imaginative ways. I think the function of science and the people within that community depends, in a mutual relation, on society at large. It is important that people of all backgrounds are able to work in this incredible activity humans put so much time into.


reading list

MSci thesis<

