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STAR_CHECK_PROGS(progs-to-check-for, [package=''])

Note: The functionality of this macro is very likely to change.

For each of the programs in PROGS-TO-CHECK-FOR, define a variable whose name is the upcased version of the program name, and whose value is the full path to that program, or the expected installation location of that program if no absolute path can be found. Because of this default behaviour, this macro should _only_ be used for locating Starlink programs such as messgen or alink, and not as a general replacement for AC_CHECK_PROG. Any characters in the program outside of the set of alphanumerics and underscores are normalised to underscores.

The optional second argument gives the name of the package containing the program in question. Some packages install their binaries in package-specific directories, and this argument allows this macro to look there as well.

For example: STAR_CHECK_PROGS(messgen) would define the variable MESSGEN to have the full path to the messgen application.

Calls AC_SUBST and AC_ARG_VAR on the generated variable name.

This is the analogue of AC_CHECK_PROG, except that: (1) the variable name defaults to the program name, (2) if the program is not found, the variable value is the program's name without any path at all.

The current value of the PATH variable is augmented by the location of the binary installation directory, using the current default value of the prefix (not ideal, since this may in principle change when the component being configured is installed, but it's the best we can do at configure time); and by the $STARLINK/bin directory.

If the program in question cannot be found, the the substitution variable is set to be the name of the program without any path, in the expectation or hope that the program will eventually end up in the path. This is not ideal, but it is the best that can be done in the important case where the program is being configured as part of bootstrapping build, and thus before any packages have been built and installed, so that there is in fact no installed program to be found. This heuristic will obviously fail when the program to be checked for is not in the path, and this will typically happen when the second `package' argument is non-null. The pattern to use in this case is as follows.

Some components build their documentation using the (now deprecated) sst component. This uses the per-package-dirs option, and so installs its applications in a package-specific directory. You would therefore check for the prolat tool (for example) in using STAR_CHECK_PROGS(prolat,sst). If the sst component is in fact installed, this would substitute @PROLAT@ with the full path to the application; but in a bootstrap build could do no more than subsitute it with the bare program name prolat, as described above. In order to use this within a, you would have to use a rule like

target: dependency
        PATH=$$PATH:$(STARLINK)/bin/sst @PROLAT@ args...
where the PATH is temporarily augmented with the installation location of the sst component. This is pretty safe, because the STARLINK Makefile variable is always present and always substituted. Despite that, it is not ideal, since it depends on undocumented (but unlikely to change in practice) knowledge of how the sst component is installed, and it is possible to think of convoluted installation schemes which might trip this up. Given that, the only time this is likely to matter is during a bootstrap build (at other times, prolat would be installed already and so @PROLAT@ would be substituted with a full path), so it is unlikely to be a problem in practice.

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The Starlink Build System
Starlink System Note 78
Norman Gray, Peter W Draper, Mark B Taylor, Steven E Rankin
11 April 2005. Release snapshot: $Revision: 1.116 $. Last updated 28 May 2006