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F.6.2 Outstanding issues

This is the to-do list. It still contains several small items from the last programmers' meeting. These are important, but not show-stopping.

Bundle Jade with the system
At present, the distribution consists only of the SGML library stuff. I need to work out the magic to get Jade to build on Suns and Alphas, and then distribute them together.
Finish documentation
This should be considered a first draft of the documentation - it needs a proper read-through, plus additions concerned with installing the software, plus more detailed developer/maintainer notes.
Output of HTML down-converter should be compatible with HTX.
Should need nothing more than a quick check that this is true
Use of FPI: should we use -//Starlink//... or +//IDN
The second is a standard `registered prefix' built up from a DNS domain name. Is there any prospect of a domain name?
Coverpage image in DTD
Dealing with exported labels: do not export by default, but warn very visibly (or fail) if policy not followed; emit a TOC of exported IDs at end, with links both ways; produce appropriate comments in HTML.
The `link policy' is expressed in DTD. The exported-id list will be little work.
Include some facility for dealing with obsolete exported IDs.
One possibility (discussed at the programmers' meeting) was <sect id=newid>Intro<oldid id=oldid>, but that's not very flexible - it'd only apply to sections. I thought instead of
<!element oldidlist o o (oldid+)>
<!element oldid     - o EMPTY>
<!attlist oldid
	id	id	#required	-- the now-obsolete id --
	newid	idref	#requred	-- replacement --
	-- resolve a reference to this element as if it were a
           reference to the element pointed to by newid, but
	   warn or issue an error about a deprecation --
	export	(export) #fixed export	-- for compat/consistency? --
This means that at the top of the document (probably), you could include a list of elements:
<oldid newid=another.replacement>
This is both perfectly generic, and usefully visible.
Include a print button in the generated HTML.
Sectioning: the references to CODECOLLECTION sections within ROUTINECODE elements come out with the wrong numbers.
This probably needs some detailed fixing of the code in (make-section-reference), but nothing too taxing.
BOS support
Support extraction of the BOS (the `bounded object set', a formally-definable list of the entities required in a `complete' source document set) from a source document. This is related to, but distinct from, the issue of generating a manifest of generated files for packaging and distribution. The latter isn't completely resolved, as it's not transparently clear what to do with the entity declared values of the codecollection and docxref elements. Needs thought.
Include elements for Examples, Notes, Warnings?
I think that examples should go within %body.content, and contain paragraphs. Notes and warnings should be in p.content? I'm not sure how necessary it is to support these so explicitly.

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The Starlink SGML Set
Starlink System Note 70
Norman Gray, Mark Taylor
21 April 1999. Release DR-0.7-13. Last updated 24 August 2001