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The type of tracing method to be used.

The following options are available:

  U - indicates user (ICUR) coords are supplied.
  R - selects re-tracing using old trace as baseline.
  T - indicates that a triangle filter is to be applied
      before centre location.
  A - indicates that in cases of failure, the program is to
      automatically fall-back to the next-least demanding
      centering mode.

Plus one of the following mandatory selections:

  B - basic, simple-minded centre of gravity.
  E - locate profile edges and interpolate.
  C - find centroid of profile.
  G - fit a Gaussian across profile.

For example:

  TAG  would fit Gaussians to triangle-filtered data and
       automatically fall-back to try centroiding for problem

B would do simple centre-of-gravity calculations on the raw profile, with no automatic fallback being used.

The default mode is C which provides a reasonable balance of probability-of-a-good-trace vs. time-taken. The order of specification is significant and must obey the following rules:

  - Optional U or R followed by
  - Optional T and/or A followed by
  - One of B, E, C or G.

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:44 1996