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Processing Steps

The reduction cycle has been split into a set of steps, most of which perform some form of image analysis. The results of these analysis steps provide various models describing the features of the image.

All these steps take place before any extraction of data from the raw image. The extraction is performed in a single step taking into account the previously established data characteristics.

This provides for the efficient processing of multiple data frames where the same object has been observed, as many of the processing steps need only be done once for the first frame of the series.

All the discrete processing steps are available as both individual tasks (providing efficient execution of single steps), and as options from a menu driven control task (providing automatic processing and context sensitive assistance).

To execute a particular step you can either:

  - select the appropriate option from the main echmenu menu.
  - type its name at the command line.  For example:

% ech_linloc

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:38 1996