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ECHOMOP may be used in a variety of ways depending upon your expertise.

The most convenient method for the first-time user is to start ECHOMOP with a menu interface (command echmenu). This provides a guided path through the processes in a standard reduction.

echmenu is the monolith program which drives all the other programs in the package. echmenu will always provide a default for the next task to be performed, and this will usually be the correct one for a 'standard' reduction. To accept the recommended next step, it is only necessary to hit Y/return/.

The package uses a disk-based 'reduction file' to pass objects between its various component tasks. You will be asked to provide a name for this file, which will be created in the current directory. This file is permanently associated with a particular set of data frames (object, arc, flat etc.) thereby providing the ability to replay any aspect of the reduction at a later date. Reduction files can occupy a large amount of disk space however, and you may wish to delete them as soon as the reduced spectrum has been obtained.

To start ECHOMOP using a guided menu type:

    % echmenu/return/

at the command-line prompt.

To run any particular ECHOMOP command just type its name at the command line prompt.

For example:

    % ech_locate/return/

would run the order location task ech_locate.

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:33 1996