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In Batch

Batch procedures may be created in two ways. Create an ICL procedure to perform the required sequence, or edit a text file containing the sequence. ECHMENU provides an assisted mode of operation which allows you to submit a set of ECHOMOP commands using a single task invocation. To use this the TUNE_AUTOMATE parameter is set to an ASCII string holding the numbers of the echmenu options required.

For example;

    ECHMENU TUNE_AUTOMATE="1,2,3,4,5"  -other parameters

would start ECHOMOP and run the first five steps of the 'normal' reduction sequence. Note that any parameters required by the steps chosen must be supplied on the command line.

If you wish to use this strategy to submit batch procedures then it is essential to ensure that all the prerequisites for unattended processing are met:

    - all required parameters have values set
    - the correct directory is set up as the current directory
    - all data files are present and unprotected

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:37 1996