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Graphics Display

Graphics display may be controlled by specifying the SOFT parameter on the command line of any ECHOMOP task. For example:

    % ech_trace SOFT=device

(Note the CaSe is important on UNIX machines)

ECHOMOP also supports SOFT=NONE which disables all interactive graphics facilities and saves CPU time when such facilities are not required. The SOFT parameter should be set using


to disable ECHOMOP graphics.

Hard copy graphics is directed to /device/ using the parameter


The ech_plot task also provides the ability to re-direct the graphics output to any device during a run of the program. Typing >device at the ech_plot menu will direct future output to that device. Additionally, ech_plot can make one-off hard copies of the last plotted graph by typing ^ at the ech_plot menu prompt. Such plots will be output to the device specified using the hard parameter.

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:37 1996