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ECHARC import/export

In order to provide backward compatibility with the extensive line fitting FIGARO ECHARC software, ECHOMOP has the ability to import and export sets of line positions/identifications between itself and ECHARC.

These facilities are provided from the main menu of the ech_idwave option/task. The exchange of information takes place on two levels:

The first file is created by ECHOMOP ech_idwave, option XP. The name of the file should be given in response to the ECH_ECHAR prompt. The second file has the name ECHARC.LIS and is placed in the current directory automatically by XP.

When starting ECHARC, give the first file name in response to the IMAGE prompt. You should respond YES to the PREVIOUS prompt and the second file name should be given inreponse to the ARFILE prompt.

ECHARC also uses the arc line reference lists (i.e. /arctype/.ARC) as ECHOMOP and the same file should of course be used with both programs.

Note that the ECHOMOP ECHARC export option must be used first in order to create the sdf file required to use ECHARC, this must be done even if no lines are identified before ECHARC is run.

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:37 1996