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The program is attempting to create an object in a reduction structure file and the underlying file access routines have reported a problem.

The most probable causes of this are:

    - the target directory is protected against write access

- you have run out of disk space (disk full)

- you have filled your allocation of disk space

Use "ls" to see what access rights you have to the structure:

    % ls -alF /name/of/directory/reduction-file

Use "df" to check how much of the target disk is unused:

    % df

and "quota" to check that you have not used up your allocation

    % quota

You may find that the "quota" command is not available in your path: ask your system manager if you are uncertain how to check your own disk quotas.

The most likely cause of this problem is lack of disk space. In particular, the sky and flat field models create very large array objects.

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:40 1996