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The specified file cannot be found and its automatic creation is illegal using the selected option.

Please use the special task ech_ftrdb to perform arc line database creation. This process should normally be left to the node manager who should place the database files in a commonly accessible directory (usually the same place as the .ARC files).

If you wish to create a private database for your personally specified line list then use task ech_ftrdb to do so. If you are not trying to create a private database then the most likely problem is that the environment variable $ARCDIRS has not been used to prefix the arc database name (e.g. $ARCDIRS/THAR), or that the named arc database does not exist (ask the system manager).

If you wish to include a set of personally specified line list databases in the default search paths used by ECHOMOP, then their location should be added to the list held in $ARCDIRS. The list of locations is searched in order of their appearance in the environent variable. The default search path is:

    .                the current directory

ADAM_USER users ADAM specific directory


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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:40 1996