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Model flat-field derived per-pixel photometric corrections.


Creates a balance factor frame from flat-field frame. This is done by fitting polynomials to the one-D profiles of the frame in both X and Y- and then dividing these by the frame itself. Negative or zero pixels and those outside the region specified are set to unity. The result, when multiplied into a data frame corrects for short-scale sensitivity variations. Large scale variation can be removed using either a flux-calibration frame, or if unavailable, the ech_fitblz option will model the large scale variations.

This version adds the calculation of variances on the balance factors and also alternatively allows a frame of pre-calculated balance factors (prebalanced=YES) to be used.

It also allows separate activation of both types of polynomial fits, interactive fitting, and the calculation of variances. A typical interactive plot appears below.

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Martin Clayton
Mon Dec 9 17:09:34 1996