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2.4.2 --ccdcatalogue

Specifies a pre-existing catalogue of objects in the CCD frame. The format is that produced as output by SExtractor when CATALOG_TYPE is set to ASCII_HEAD. The file starts with a sequence of lines of the form

              # <colnum> <colname> <optional comment>
The colnum numbers run from 1 to the number of columns; the colname is one of a set of column named defined in the sextractor documentation; and optional comment is some (ignored) annotation. The data immediately follows, in rows with the given number of columns in them. In each of these rows, any text following a # is ignored, and may be used for other annotation.

You control which columns SExtractor generates by specifying them in the SExtractor .param file. The catalogue must have all of the fields NUMBER, FLUX_ISO, X_IMAGE, Y_IMAGE, A_IMAGE, B_IMAGE, X2_IMAGE, Y2_IMAGE, ERRX2_IMAGE, ERRY2_IMAGE, ISOAREA_IMAGE, of which X2_IMAGE, Y2_IMAGE, A_IMAGE, B_IMAGE, ERRX2_IMAGE, ERRY2_IMAGE are not generated by default.

For further details about SExtractor, and details of these required columns, see Section 4

If you include the option --keeptemps to avoid deleting the temporary work directory, you will be able to scavenge the extractor output from there if this is useful to you.

Type: string; default: none

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Autoastrometry for Mosaics
Starlink User Note 242
Norman Gray
24 August 2001. Release v0-5-8. Last updated 25 August 2003