RHESSI software: Recent changes and future prospects (GH)
The new imaging-spectroscopy tools (RS)
The General Inversion Problem (AM & RS)
Current spectroscopy Issues (RS et al)
Schwartz – errors in pileup correction (RS)
Calibration issues
Separating thermal/nonthermal components (BRD)
Nuclear models (Ron Murphy?)
Electron precipitation background estimates (Kasparova)
Current imaging issues (GH et al)
Implications of rate-based and local averaging
Improvements to grid calibration
Separating compact and extended sources (BRD)
Prospects for MEM and Forward Fit
Science – Vilmer 100-600 keV analyses (NV)
Stacker and visibilities for imaging (GH & EJS?)
Future Priorities (RS et al)
Topics TBD
Brian Dennis
Gordon Hurford
Joe Khan
Eduard Kontar
Sam Krucker
Alex McKinnon
Richard Schwartz
Nicole Vilmer