Chromospheric Magnetic Reconnection and Its Possible Relationship to Coronal Heating

Sturrock, P. A., Chromospheric Magnetic Reconnection and Its Possible Relationship to Coronal Heating, ApJ, 521, 451-459 (1999) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

Not necessarily a flare cartoon, but rather an attempt to elucidate some physics. This paper proposes that magnetic reconnection could happen in the chromosphere. It makes sense because the resistivity, though low, is relatively high where ion-neutral coupling can matter. So if reconnection had to happen somewhere this would seem to be a hint. Why aren't there more cartoons of flare reconnection in which it is the footpoint fieldss that meet and do the dirty work? What is there in the corona to force flux tubes together? This paper generally analyzes chromospheric reconnection as a source of high-frequency Alfvén waves, for example, or Joule heating.

Date: 2007 April 15

Update: 2019 February 20