The Direct Relation between the Duration of Magnetic Reconnection and the Evolution of GOES Light Curves in Solar Flares

Reep, Jeffrey W. and Shin Toriumi, The Direct Relation between the Duration of Magnetic Reconnection and the Evolution of GOES Light Curves in Solar Flares, ApJ, 851, 4 (2017) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A flare is (always?) composed of filamentary structures imposed by the magnetic field, and these structures may evolve somewhat independently. Many of the cartoons in this Archive, perhaps starting with the Hirayama cartoon, one of the four pillars of CSHKP, depicting how a CME may arise. The observational background of course goes back to Bruzek if not to 19th-century Hα observers. Note that Gosling subsequently colorized this in a manner that allowed one to follow the connectivity of the field. For this paper's purposes, though, one simply is developing a multi-fiber model that successfully reproduces a typical flare's soft X-ray light curve. The Hori cartoon originally introduced this kind of decomposition.

Date: 2020 April 17