Microwave and X-ray observations of delayed brightenings at sites remote from the primary flare locations

Nakajima, H., B. R. Dennis, P. Hoyng, G. Nelson, T. Kosugi, and K. Kai, Microwave and X-ray observations of delayed brightenings at sites remote from the primary flare locations, ApJ, 288, 806-819 (1985) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A nice simple radio-inspired cartoon showing the locations of some of the metric radio types relative to the cartoon's proposed magnetic fields. These interestingly include the type V burst, not often discussed but presumably just as suggestive as any of the others.

      The structures here clearly follow the "three-legged flare" pattern later made famous by Hanaoka and by Nishio, using the improved Nobeyama data, but originating to the Archivist's knowledge with the HXIS "firm X-ray" observations reported by Machado et al. among others. Such a configuration is often described as a "loop-loop interaction," one of the Archivist's pet peeves. We know enough about the physical conditions in the corona to be sure that loops do not really exist as independent entities: the magnetic field dominates, and the appearance of a loop-like structure merely marks where some excitation has happened. At low plasma beta, indeed, a visible loop would have no dynamical significance.

Date: 2007 January 17

Update: 2019 February 17