Are CME-Related Dimmings Always a Simple Signature of Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud Footpoints?

Mandrini, C. H., M. S. Nakwacki, G. Attrill, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, P. Démoulin, S. Dasso, and H. Elliott, Are CME-Related Dimmings Always a Simple Signature of Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud Footpoints?, Sol. Phys., 244, 25-43 (2007) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

The paper asks "Are CME-related dimmings always a simple signature of interplanetary magnetic cloud footpoints?" making the reader expect a clear "Yes!" or maybe a "No!". Here, "No!", based on their observations of the powerful event SOL2003-10-28. The paper appeals to yet more magnetic reconnection (viewed in 2D) to mask the connectivities expected from the CSHKP picture; this sounds imaginative but ill-founded physically. The cartoon bravely considers the whole solar disk, above which the entire corona appears to be ejected. In fact, the deepest dimming events do not remove more than 10% of the pre-existing corona. See the Attrill cartoon for related descriptions.

Date: 2009 October 23

Update: 2019 November 26