Radio and X-Ray Observations of a Multiple Impulsive Solar Burst with High Time Resolution

Kosugi, T., Radio and X-Ray Observations of a Multiple Impulsive Solar Burst with High Time Resolution, Sol. Phys., 71, 91-105 (1981) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A descriptive cartoon from early in the career of our late friend Takeo Kosugi, a man of many talents. We still desperately need to incorporate radio-derived knowledge into our view of flares, and he was a leader in both radio and X-ray astronomy for this purpose - after this work was done, he went on to learn a great deal more via Yohkoh and the Nobeyama radio observatory in particular. This cartoon nicely shows one bit of now-conventional wisdom about type III bursts, namely that they can arise (somehow) in a reconnecting current sheet.

      Note a nice feature of this cartoon: the asymmetry of the footpoints, an observable in both hard X-rays and microwaves. But note a problem: in CSHKP, this genre, the current sheet only develops on Alfvénic time scales, and has no heliospheric connection. The type III radio burst must occur within an already-open field, and probably not a bipolar one.

Date: 2007 April 25

Update: 2019 November 25