Magnetic reconnection in the corona and the loop prominence phenomenon.

Kopp, R. A. and G. W. Pneuman, Magnetic reconnection in the corona and the loop prominence phenomenon., Sol. Phys., 50, 85-98 (1976) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

One of the most influential cartoons in this genre, and the source of some 30% of the CSHKP acronym. This is the "standard" model of eruption in a bipolar configuration that is essentially 2-D, opening the field in a manner favorable to large-scale reconnection and the formation of a cylindrical arcade of loops. Since Bruzek's work on Hα ribbons and loop prominence systems, at least, such a configuration neatly wrapped up a large fraction of flare observations, and at the time this cartoon appeared, much theoretical work already existed..

      That said, the cartoon clearly describes exactly why this model is not good. Why are the fields open before the flare? This paper used the flow on these opened field lines as the source of the extra mass, in fact, ignoring the non-thermal physics (including "evaporation") that we now think to be integral parts of the process. How the field "opens" is an integral and indeed the most important aspect of the flare process, and yet this cartoon - and most of its less-imaginative followers - simply ignores it. Probably most of the shortcomings here just reflect the 2D nature of the imagined process, even though all of predecessors (the CSH of the CSHKP) clearly envisioned the physics to be properly three-dimensional. None were cited! In a sense this cartoon must therefore have cast a baleful influence on future development in the field.

Date: 2006 December 30

Update: 2019 November 25