Electric Currents in Flare Ribbons: Observations and Three-dimensional Standard Model

Janvier, M., G. Aulanier, V. Bommier, B. Schmieder, P. Démoulin, and E. Pariat, Electric Currents in Flare Ribbons: Observations and Three-dimensional Standard Model, ApJ, 788, 60 (2014) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A final pastel flowering of the CSHKP evolution? This cartoon claims to be the "standard model in 3D", replete with slip-running reconnection and footpoint current injection reminiscent of the Chen & Krall cartoon. The intention here is to portray the global process as the unstable eruption of a bipolar structure, ignoring the presence of other magnetic structure such as that found in the early views of the pioneers Giovanelli and Sweet.

Date: 2019 December 02