Observations and 3D MHD Modeling of a Confined Helical Jet Launched by a Filament Eruption

Doyle, Lauren, Peter F. Wyper, Eamon Scullion, James A. McLaughlin, Gavin Ramsay, and J. Gerard Doyle, Observations and 3D MHD Modeling of a Confined Helical Jet Launched by a Filament Eruption, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1912.02133 (2019) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A flare and a helical jet, requiring a spine-and-fan 3D reconnection scenario (note the circular polarity-inversion line PIL) within which flare ribbons form even without an appeal to CSHKP. Note also the two regions of reconnection needed. A nice feature of this cartoon is the indication of a finite volume around the outer spine. How is this related to a possible HFT? If this is confusing, please see the simulation results in the paper itself, which have nice, thick, well-colored "field lines",

Date: 2019 December 15