Solar Flares - the Impulsive Phase

Dennis, BrianĀ R. and RichardĀ A. Schwartz, Solar Flares - the Impulsive Phase, Sol. Phys., 121, 75-94 (1989) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A milestone cartoon delineating the structure of a flaring loop, specifically in the impulsive phase, generated by the group at NASA/GSFC. The components are all kind of in place, but it takes a moment to realize that "PARTICLE BEAMS" refers to the curly lines (nice touch!) rather than to the thick arrow pointing up, not down. Actually at the time of writing this blurb, it was not clear which way the important particle beams actually do go, or whether "beam" is the right description at all. Likewise the four topics listed on upper left presumably refer to the loop top, but mercifully there is no hint of magnetic reconnection here. Since this is the impulsive phase, the cartoon is erroneous in pointing to the loop top for soft X-rays, since these interestingly appear at the footpoints at such a time.

Date: 2019 November 07

Update: 2019 November 21