On the Mechanism of Hard X-Ray Emission from Magnetars

Beloborodov, Andrei M., On the Mechanism of Hard X-Ray Emission from Magnetars, ApJ, 762, 13 (2013) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

Here is a "magnetar" flare; perhaps magnetars are unfamiliar to many solar physicists - they are certain neutron stars - but the event cartoonized here sure looks like a solar flare. But It is really different: the cartoon shows relativistic particles being ejected into the footpoints of a solar-like magnetic loop, where they pair-produce in regions where B ~ 10^13 G, not very solar-like, and eventually hard X-rays become the product via a cascade of bremsstrahlung and pair production. In the case of the Sun the particle acceleration is so feeble that the hard X-ray signature is just the bremsstrahlung bit.

      Note that there is no hint of any magnetic reconnection in this picture. But that has been proposed, for want of any other explanation, in this context as well as for solar-flare energy release.

Date: 2019 November 02

Update: 2019 November 19