Magnetic Reconnection and Coronal Transients

Anzer, U. and G. W. Pneuman, Magnetic Reconnection and Coronal Transients, Sol. Phys., 79, 129-147 (1982) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

This is one of the clearest and earliest cartoons describing the full 3D structure of what we often call the "CSHKP" model, initial P of which stands for the the same Pneuman here. At the time of its creation, this cartoon specifically incorporated what was called the "coronal transient" into the arcade flare cartoon. We call these coronal transients "CMEs" now, of course, and very often coronagraphs can see what look like the "nested helices" sketched here. In fact, we might call these "flux ropes" now. But the paper itself waffles a bit and says that the configuration "might look more like a tangled hodge-podge of field lines rather than simple helices." If not a hodge-podge, it would be safe to say that observations have never shown so many turns of a helical field line.

      Based on flare SOL1973_07_29, for which Skylab had made X-ray images pretty much at the dawn of X-ray flare history. Note that Gosling introduced the all-important color coding of field lines into this strand of cartooning.

Date: 2004 February 19

Update: 2019 November 16