A Young Radio-emitting Magnetic B Star in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud

Andre, Philippe, Thierry Montmerle, Eric D. Feigelson, Peter C. Stine, and Karl-Ludwig Klein, A Young Radio-emitting Magnetic B Star in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud, ApJ, 335, 940 (1988) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

A radio-emitting magnetic B star in the Rho Ophiuchi interstellar cloud. This is the first such object to show circular polarization, and it is interpreted with heliophysical paradigms. Here we see the entire astrosphere, but deep down within it one has the standard magnetosphere cartoon with gyrosynchrotron radiation from energetic electrons.

Date: 2012 February 21

Update: 2019 November 18