Understanding Breaks in Flare X-Ray Spectra: Evaluation of a Cospatial Collisional Return-current Model

Alaoui, Meriem and Gordon D. Holman, Understanding Breaks in Flare X-Ray Spectra: Evaluation of a Cospatial Collisional Return-current Model, ApJ, 851, 78 (2017) (ADS)

The cartoon

(click on the image for a larger version)

This is a modern view of the hoary "thick-target model", now with an effort to understand the electrodynamics involved in the formation of a massive electron beam precipitating from the tenuous corona. Note the invocation of a potential drop, but in a CSHKP global picture. Such an electrostatic force would not be available in any single-fluid MHD simulation.

Date: 2019 January 07