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4.5 Importing third-party sources

NOTE: this section is subject to a little change. The guidance in this section is to some extent subject to change as we get more experience including third-party sources into the tree.

If an application needs to rely on a non-Starlink application, and especially if it relies on a modified version, then the sources for that application should be checked in to the thirdparty/ part of the tree.

There are two stages to this. Firstly we have to import a distribution version of the software, and secondly we have to bring it in to the Starlink build system.

The example here is the GNU m4 distribution, which is one of the buildsupport tools necessary on Solaris, which has a non-GNU m4 (autoconf relies on language extensions in GNU m4, which is therefore required). The first step is rather mechanical, the second better introduced by example.

First, we get and import the sources (see the fuller details in the CVS manual):

% cd /tmp
% wget
% tar xzf m4-1.4.tar.gz
% cd m4-1.4
% cvs -d import \
    -ko -m "Import of GNU m4 1.4" \
    thirdparty/fsf/m4 FSF m4-1-4

The -ko option turns off any keyword expansion for the newly-imported files. Thus they will retain the values they had when they were imported. This appears to be the practice recommended by the CVS manual, though it is not absolutely clear that it is best, and this should not be taken as a firm recommendation.

The thirdparty/fsf/m4 argument is the location of the new component within our repository, the path to which will be created for you if necessary. FSF -- the `Free Software Foundation' -- is the `vendor' in this case, and this is used for the location within the thirdparty/ tree as well as the next CVS argument. CVS uses this vendor argument as the name of the branch this new import is nominally located on.

Finally, this import command tags the imported files with the tag you give as the last argument. This should use the same convention as other tags within the Starlink repository, namely the component name and version number.

Note that we import a distribution tarball of the source, namely one including the configure script and any other generated files. This is because we cannot reliably bootstrap the original sources if they, for example, and also so that we can reliably track any future releases of the tarball. Even if the component has a public CVS archive, resist the temptation to import a snapshot of that.

Now that the source set is in the repository, you can go back to your checkout tree and check the new component out:

% cd <checkout-tree>
% cvs -d co thirdparty/fsf/m4
% cd thirdparty/fsf/m4
% cvs status -v
File:      Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:
   Repository revision: /cvs/thirdparty/fsf/m4/,v
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      -ko

   Existing Tags:
        m4-1-4                          (revision:
        FSF                             (branch: 1.1.1)
We see that the newly-imported files have been put on the 1.1.1 branch, named FSF. Any files we add to this component, and any files we modify, will go on the trunk.

What you do next depends on how easy it is to configure the new component. We'll look at three examples, the m4 component, containing the GNU version of m4, the cfitsio component, containing the HEASARC FITS library, and the tclsys component, containing a distribution of Tcl.

  1. The m4 configuration is quite regular (as befits a core GNU component), and so admits of reasonable adaptation in place, by simply editing the configuration files included in the distribution (and then, despite what we said above, regenerating the distributed ./configure script.
  2. The cfitsio distribution comes with its own configure scripts, but they are generated using a rather old version of autoconf, so we want to avoid touching them. However the build is basically rather simple, and only a few built files need to be installed. This component shows how to wrap a distribution's own configuration in a straightforward way.
  3. The tclsys component, on the other hand comes with its own fearsomely intricate configuration and installation mechanism, which we want to disturb (or indeed know about) as little as possible. This section shows how to wrap such an installation in the most general way.

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The Starlink Build System
Starlink System Note 78
Norman Gray, Peter W Draper, Mark B Taylor, Steven E Rankin
11 April 2005. Release snapshot: $Revision: 1.116 $. Last updated 28 May 2006