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C.1.55 Element px

C.1.55.1 Description

A restricted paragraph.

In certain contexts, it is convenient to forbid certain elements from otherwise-unrestricted paragraph text. The px element has the same usage as p, but with a slightly restricted content model.

C.1.55.2 Parents

abstract, blockquote, caption, change, coverimage, distribution, figure, note, update, version

C.1.55.3 Content

( #pcdata | em | strong | quote | code | kbd | cite | m | angle | foreign | ref | docxref | webref | url | citation | coderef | mequation | meqnarray | blockquote | dl | ul | ol | verbatim | linespecific | span | update | tabular) *

 |_(#PCDATA |
 |__em |
 |__strong |
 |__quote |
 |__code |
 |__kbd |
 |__cite |
 |__m |
 |__angle |
 |__foreign |
 |__ref |
 |__docxref |
 |__webref |
 |__url |
 |__citation |
 |__coderef |
 |__mequation |
 |__meqnarray |
 |__blockquote |
 |__dl |
 |__ul |
 |__ol |
 |__verbatim |
 |__linespecific |
 |__span |
 |__update |

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The Starlink SGML Set
Starlink System Note 70
Norman Gray, Mark Taylor
21 April 1999. Release DR-0.7-13. Last updated 24 August 2001