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3.2.3 DX

IBM's Data Explorer is also available on some Starlink machines. I don't have personal experience of it, but there is a Starlink manual for it in SUN/203, SX and DX -- IBM data explorer for data visualisation and a Starlink DX cookbook in SC/2.

In his overview of visualisation systems in SG/8, Clive Davenhall says of DX:

IBM Data Explorer (DX) is a general-purpose software package for data visualisation and analysis. It employs a data-flow driven client-server execution model and provides a comprehensive range of data manipulation, visualisation and display functions. Visualisations can be generated using a visual programming editor or a text-based scripting language. DX is the visualisation package recommended by Starlink, particularly for three-dimensional scalar and vector data. Starlink has produced a set of enhancements to DX. If you are using DX at a Starlink site then these enhancements should be available automatically. The use of DX at Starlink sites and the Starlink enhancements to DX are documented in SUN/203.

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Theory and Modelling Resources Cookbook
Starlink Cookbook 13
Norman Gray
2 December 2001. Release 2-5. Last updated 10 March 2003