ESP: Extended Surface Photometry

ESP exists to allow user to perform many of the processes required when profiling galaxies. The package, which can generate slices, contour analysis galaxy profiles, intensity analysis galaxy profiles, flat-field images, mask objects, detect bad flat fielding, remove bright objects and calculate scale lengths is documented in SUN/180.



The applications contained within the package are

Detect/identify flatfielding faults
Remove cosmic ray events
Median filter images on a defined scale
Determine whole image statistics including: median count, modal count, kurtosis and skewness
Determine the local background value on a number of different parts of an image
Perform galaxy profiling using intensity analysis
Perform galaxy profiling using contour analysis
Generate galaxy pie slice cross-sections
Perform 2-D Gaussian fitting to multiple sources
Display graphs showing the profiling/cross-section results
Help detect faint diffuse objects in an image

News, version 0.10

ESP is integrated into GAIA. It is the brains behind the `Surface Photometry' toolbox, under the `Image-analysis' menu.

ESP is aware of World Coordinate Systems.

The COSYS parameter has been removed from all ESP applications, so that all user input and output is now in the Current co-ordinate system of the NDF. The Current co-ordinate system is a characteristic of the WCS component of the NDF. Thus, instead of setting COSYS to use either 'Data' or 'World' co-ordinate sytems, you should now set the Current frame of the NDF's WCS component (e.g. using KAPPA's WCSFRAME apllication) to the desired co-ordinate system before running the ESP application.

Output to data files is however in Base (WCS GRID frame) co-ordinates, which are pixel co-ordinates guaranteed to start at (1,1).

For NDFs which have a WCS component with a SKY frame in it, the PSIZE parameter (pixel size in arc seconds) is now determined automatically rather than being solicited from the user. This can be overridded by specifying it on the command line.

ESP applications which generate output NDFs from input NDFs now propagate the WCS component where appropriate.

Changes between 0.10-1 and 0.10-8

The only significant difference from the 0.10-1 release of ESP is to make ESP WCS-aware (these changes were made by Mark Taylor).

Also, there were several changes to make ESP more compatible with GAIA.

There are a few other changes associated with code tidyups and minor bugfixes.

The user-visible changes are:

Current version

The current ESP distribution is 0.10-8.


The ESP documentation is contained in Starlink document SUN/180

Authors and support

Norman Gray is the ESP maintainer. The ESP support page is now This URL will redirect you here automatically, but it is this canonical URL which you should use when making links to these pages -- that way, your links will not break when and if these pages are next moved.

2002 July 16