Manual reduction using ECHOMOP is available at two levels:
A menu driven, guided reduction.
- ECHMENU provides menu of all tasks
A completely manual selection of processing steps one after another when required. The set of tasks available to the user at this level consists of the following ECHOMOP specifics:
- ECH_DECOS1 detects and flags cosmic ray pixels- ECH_DECOS2 detects and flags cosmic ray pixels
- ECH_LOCATE locates orders in a frame
- ECH_SLOPE measure average order slope
- ECH_TRACE traces orders already located
- ECH_TRCSIS does trace consistency checking
- ECH_TRPLT plots order traces graphically
- ECH_SPATIAL calculates the profiles (spatial)
- ECH_LINLOC locates arc lines
- ECH_IDWAVE identifies and wavelength calibrates
- ECH_WVCSIS does wavelength scale consistency checking
- ECH_EXTRCT extracts orders
- ECH_2DFIT distortion fitting for an order
- ECH_2DEXT extracts distorted orders
- ECH_MDLBCK models global scattered light background
- ECH_FFIELD calculates flat field balance model
- ECH_PROFILE calculates object profiles
- ECH_SKY calculates sky background
- ECH_SCRUNCH scrunches extracted orders
- ECH_TUNER interactively sets tuning parameters
- ECH_PLOT plots/prints all stages of reduction
- ECH_RESULT handles flexible output of resulting reduced spectra etc. to .sdf, ASCII format files.
- ECH_ONE set single order operations (ICL usage only)
- ECH_ALL set all order operations (ICL usage only)
- ECH_FTRDB generate a database file using a .ARC line list
These commands may generally be used from an ICL command prompt or from the system shell prompt.
Martin Clayton